As my programming for the last month has been, this one was courtesy of Dusty. The "team" crew at Driven by CFTS is absolutely awesome. We all have a variety of strengths and weaknesses, and since of late we've been trying to train at similar times, we really give each other a push through WODs. Today was no exception. Maria kept the pace for Aimee and I on the run, and I was chasing Aimee through my pull ups! Dude, pull ups really suck. This ass was made for squatting, not being pulled.
Having solid training partners is vital.
1 mile run
50 burpees
40 pull ups
30 wall balls
20 squat snatches
10 wall climbs
5 c2b
3 rope climbs
Kenz: 27:07
Sat crew- coaches, team, and CFTS members! |
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