- HSPU/ regular HS practice
25 x 5
30 x 5
35 x 5
40 x 3
45 x 5
50 x 2
100 double unders, then:
5rds for time:
5 ring pulls
7 box steps (17.5", 12.5kg dumbells)
10 lunges (12.5kg dbs)
Finish with 100 double udners
Kenz: 12:19
Kat: 13:21

Did this WOD with Kat, and we are both still in a lot of pain from the comp on Sunday. We each had to pause multiple times to stop our lower backs from seizing up, but knew going into this WOD we were going to try to do it at about 80%, as we're still recovering. It was good fun though, and I always love WOD'ing with Kat, as she keeps me on my toes!!!
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