Friday, 28 September 2012

My legs are still sore from position work with Coach B, so I skipped the wall ball/run wod programmed today (plus this sprained ankle is taking FOREVER to heal!). I did some lifting at my dad's school instead. The high school my old man coaches/teaches at has an unbelievable lifting facility. The only downside is training with a ton of smelly 14-year-old boys surrounding you with their jaws dropped (either in awe or disgust, I don't give a shit which). 


Wide Grip Strict Press:
5 x 45lb
4 x 55lb
3 x 65lb
3 x 75lb
1 x 80lb
1 x 85lb
*wide grip for me is two thumbs over, rather than one thumb, or in some cases, on thumb and knuckle

Also practiced by pocket cleans and DB bench presses

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Back at CFTS!

It's so nice to be back at my home box, CrossFit Temecula South! However, it's going to be a challenge going back to working with pounds versus kilos, and training in constant dry heat.

10 x 35 lbs
5 x 105 lbs
5 x 155 lbs
5 x 215 lbs

3 x 245 lbs
1 x 255 lbs
1 x 265 lbs

Lurong Benchmark WOD 3
5 rounds
20 burpees
20 kb swings 53/35

Kenz: 11:38

Lifting with Coach B

Today I had the honor of being coached by Mike Burgener. This was my first training session since coming back from Croatia, moving out of England, and moving back to the US.

I didn't end up going too heavy, as Coach had me drilling the basics to start cleaning up my technique; it's insane how much I muscle through everything. I was so inspired today to really start focusing on my technique considering the potential I have to improve my lifts if I can improve my movements.

Front Squats up to 75kg (failed 85kg). 3 position Snatch: 20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg, 45kg. 1 1/4 Front Squat into Jerk: 15kg, 25kg, 35kg, 45kg.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Last Day at CFH

Though my ankle is still a bit rough, I wanted to train on my last day at CrossFit Hove. It's been an awesome year training here, and I'll truly miss it.

Warm Up:
Strict pull up practice

Strict Press:
20 x 10
30 x 5
35 x 5
40 x 5
42.5 x 2
multiple fails at 45kg & 44kg

Dumbbell Bench Press:
8 x 8
10 x 8
12.5 x 8
15 x 8

(not for time) 3 rds:
3 strict dips
10 hallow rocks
10 pull ups
20 sit ups

Friday, 14 September 2012

Another A & E visit...

I fell. Again. What else is new. 

Went to the A&E, found out I'd sprained my ankle and tore a ligament. Awesome. 

Thursday, 13 September 2012

I never got around to posting about the South Island Showdown comp in Bournemouth because it was the week before my hand in was due, but here's a video a friend at CFH made about it, and a few pics that sum it up well enough :)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Warm Up:
max burpees in 3 min: 51
it's been way too long since I've done this one...ouch

5 x 20
5 x 30
5 x 35
5 x 40
3 x 45 
3 x 50

5 x 60
5 x 60
5 x 80
5 x 80
5 x 90
5 x 90
5 x 100
4 x 100
*sets of the same weight were performed close together, alternating switch grips. By the 100s however, my grip was failing, causing a lot of shoulder pain, so I stopped.

Sprint 50m, rest 20 seconds x 10

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Press Work, etc.

I've been having some problems with my right shoulder, particularly the last few months, and I'm really trying to strengthen the smaller muscle groups around it with things like presses, dead hang pull ups, etc.. In addition, after watching the slo-mo video of my snatching this weekend, I realized how much my hyper-mobility is affecting where I catch the bar in the snatch (and thus my chest dips so far forward to compensate for how far back my shoulders go). Hopefully upping the presses, etc. will help me to gain better control over this weakness/pain...

Warm Up:
Row 500: 1:55
dead hang pull up practice

Shoulder Press:
20kg x 7
25 x 5
30 x 5
35 x 5
37.5 x 5
40 x 1
42.5 x 1 
43.5 x 1 (pb/pr)

Also some banded presses. Difficult to see in the photo below, but there are resistance bands strapped to dumbells attached to the barbell for the press. Did multiple sets of this after my last 1 rep max.

6 min AMRAP:
5 deadlifts (@80kg)
10 wall balls (@9kg)
30 double unders*
*unbroken. If not all 30 are achieved in a row, 5 burpee penalty to be completed after the workout for every time it's broken

Kenz: 3rds + 5 deads, + 10 wall balls
Burpees: 20

Monday, 10 September 2012

It's a day that ends in "Y"... I should probably squat

10 x 20kg
10 x 40kg
5 x 60kg
5 x 70kg
5 x 80kg
5 x 90kg
4 x 100kg (depth kinda sketch on the last rep tho...)

In 3 min, run 400m. In remaining time, max kb swings (24kg)
1 min rest.
In 3 min, run 400m. In remaining time, max SDHPs (24kg)
1 min rest.
In 3 min, run 400m. In remaining time, max ball slams (9kg)

Kenz: 24/22/19

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Sunday Funday (or Snatch Sundays)

Warm Up:
Row 1k: 4:05

Max double unders in 3 min: 130

*Snatch/OHS practice*
really working on squat snatch technique, and for every snatch, perform 3-5 OHS
15kg-45kg, increased by 5s

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Ladies Day

Warm Up: 
50 double unders
50 sit ups
40 du
40 su
30 du
30 su
20 du
20 su
10 du
10 su

Kenz: 7:05
Double unders are really improving. Did these straight through!

Front Squatz:
20kg x 5
30kg x 5
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5
65kg x 5

400m run
21 kb swings (@1pood)
12 pull ups

Kenz: 12:32
Karl and I's thigh bruises post-SI Showdown... clearly cleaning fast

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Warm Up:
500m row: 1:52

Lift + skillz:
deads + dead hang pull up (need to revisit this skill, as I've lost a lot of it)
10 x 40kg + 2 dead hangs
5 x 60kg + 2 dead hangs
5 x 70kg + 1 dead hang
5 x 80kg + 1 dead hang
5 x 90kg + 1 dead hang
5 x 90kg + 1 dead hang

400m run
30 manmakers (12.5kg dumbells)
400m run

manmakers: push up + row (1 each arm) + deadlift + hang clean + push press

Kenz Score: 11:11

Monday, 3 September 2012

Hand In!

Today I turned in my Master's dissertation (the major reason my training's been lagging the last month)!!

To celebrate my new MA, I squatted :)

Warm Up:
1k Row


WOD: "Only a lil Nasty Girl"
3rds for time:
50 squats
3 ring dips (RX!)
10 hang power cleans @40kg

Kenz time: 11:55 (lol...blame the ring dips...still trying)