Saturday, 30 June 2012

Visit to In2CrossFit Clapham

Today our competition team at CF Hove visited In2CrossFit Clapham, and along with CrossFit Bold, engaged in a friendly pre-CFCM Games competition. We were each paired up with someone from another gym to complete two WODs. I was partnered with Brett, a fellow yank from In2, thus forging Team America :) We tied for first.

WOD 1:
100 squats
50 pull ups
*only one partner working on the above at a time, while the other partner must hold 40/60kg bar overhead. Reps only count while the other partner keeps the bar locked out. 

Kenni & Brett Score: 3:30 (2nd place)
In 14 minutes:
4rds (alternating partners, so 2 rds each):
20 kb swings (24/32kg)
10 burpee jumps
10 snatches (30/45kg)
then in the remaining time, max double unders (must alternate attempts between partners)
Score is completed double unders.

Kenni & Brett Score: 386 double unders (2nd place)
Overall great trip to visit some friends in London, put my improved double under skills to the test, and get in a some good ole WODin'

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

I'm Artistic

1 mile run + 1k row + 1 mile run (no stopping between)

Score: 7:39 (PB/PR) + 4:19 + 9:58 

WOD 2: 
10 OHS (@30kg)
30 double unders

Score: 8 rds +10 ohs +11 double unders

My double unders are already getting better under stress! I managed to do all 30 straight on a few of the rounds!

  • deadlifts (sets up 5 up to 110kg)
  • hollow rocks
PM: Pilates class taught by Max

Tuesday, 26 June 2012


5 rounds
Bench Press ME (@40kg)
Supine Ring Row ME

Score: 10&7, 9&8, 8&7, 8&7, 7&7

10 dips
10 c2b
20 wall balls (7kg, 9')
20 t2b
30 kb swings (16kg)
30 burpees
40 sit ups
40 push press
50 double unders
50 air squats

Score: 16:09*

*the first 10 dips took ~4 minutes. I put on some wrist straps and they really threw me off. Either that or I had only consumed about 2 cups of coffee + 1 cup of tea this morning prior to working out. Not sure what happened with my dips, but had to keep chipping away after. My hands started tearing again after the c2b's, so I decided on the spot not to do the t2b's, and was convinced by Miles mid-WOD to add the 50s (double unders + air squats). Hells yeah.

Monday, 25 June 2012


  • max double unders in 3 minutes: 117
  • handstand practice
FGB style:
Wall Balls (7kg, 9' target)

Rd 1: 25, 9, ~150, 16
Rd 2: 25, 10, ~170, 17
Rd 3: 26, 11, ~140, 19

A note about burpees: Since Open WOD 12.1, I've had a lot of emotion attached to the burpee. I avoid them at all costs, and complain nonstop when I'm forced to do them. However, this month I've clearly been doing a LOT of them, so I've just hardened up and gotten over it. Last week Julie and I played around with a bit of "burpee technique." What we realized I've been doing is relying on my hypermobility to "cheat" the burpee. As soon as I'm tired, I jump my feet forward on the up, and don't bend my knees, putting me in a physically comfortable position for me personally (I'm sickeningly flexible), but an inefficient position to actually stand up and jump to finish the burpee (see pic below, which is my former technique, and was actually taken during 12.1). This last week, I've been trying to keep my ass down on the burpees, and it seems to help me go significantly faster due to the more efficient position it puts me to jump up. Even with the most basic movements, I recommend taking the time to evaluate how you achieve the movement, both in practice and under stress, as this simple review seems to be making things quite a bit easier for me.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Ladies Day

These next few days have been so kindly programmed for me by Karl.

Cindy: AMRAP 20
5 squats
10 push ups
15 pull ups

Score: 16 rds even

Had to stop a bit early, as I (*gasp*) ripped my hands. I pride myself on excellent hand care-- I pumis and shave my hands often (before major Oly lifting days, big pull up workouts, or first dates, naturally). However, they failed me today (the hands, that is), and I've torn open calluses in multiple places. With the CFCM games in less than two weeks, I really can't afford any deeper damage, so I've got some program modification to do!

Jackie (changed on the spot bc of hand-rip): 
Row 1000
50 thrusters (@15kg)
50 SDHPs (@15kg)

Score: 9:26

I had intended to lift a bit today, but unfortunately my hands were just done by the time Jackie and I got intimate :(.

Friday, 22 June 2012

I Miss My Barbell :(

*Rest Day*

Also just wanted to remind people to wear sox or long pants when rope climbing:

I'm missing my barbell today. This month of barbell break-up is nearly over...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

  • Max Double Unders in 3 min: 124 (PB/PR)

2 rope climbs
15 wall balls
100m run

Score: 4rds + 2 rope climbs +15 wall balls
WOD2: (from CFTS, originally adapted from Outlaw)
Row 500
30 burpee box jumps
30 K2E
30 Front Squats (35kg)
Row 500

Score: 13:49

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


  • double under practice
Pull Ups

Score: 5:48

Run 1 mile, immediately followed by 1k row

Score: 11:59 total
1 mile: 7:45
1k row: 4:09

PM: Pilates with the one and only Max Lobatto 

Fran's a crossfit benchmark, but also has a terrible reputation within the community. I would guess people talk about her more than any other workout, and not in a flattering way. And yes, she's tough. And yes, I don't have the ability to string together 21 butterfly pull ups, so this WOD isn't perfectly suited for me, but I also don't HATE Fran. I was really nervous walking to the box this morning, knowing I had to do Fran, but I think that was only because people hate on her so much. Yes, the WOD didn't feel good. But you know what, neither does ripping off a plaster (yank translation: band-aid). My goal was sub-6, so I'm pleased enough. Is that time good enough to get me to the games? Hells no. But I'll revisit her again soon and see if I can work my way to the 4 minute range. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My Eurosport Debut

Eurosport covered the Reebok CrossFit Championship, which I competed in a few weeks ago.

"Kenni, the California girl, is better at the weightlifting, not so comfortable at the running."

Apparently it's not just my coaches calling me out on my weakness. The Eurosport commentator fancies himself a CrossFit expert (ok, well, maybe he was right). The stats were wrong on this edition at a couple of points regarding the top three, but I do love how many times they mention me as "Kenni, strong on the weightlifting." Oh, and it doesn't seem to go unnoticed that I talk funny. At least they say "Californian" rather than yank.

Not Flying Solo

Today I was so lucky in that Miles convinced Rich to do my special WOD2 with me. Since this programming is tailored specifically to my current needs, I've been flying solo on pretty much all my workouts thus far. Having someone hating life as much as I did in that moment was beautiful. So thank you Rich, for taking the beating with me.

  • double under & handstand practice
miniWOD: max burpees in 3 minutes
Score: 53

WOD2: AMRAP 20 (yup, twenty effing minutes)


20 jumping lunges (Rich did 10 6' broad jumps instead)
7 ring push ups
400m run

Score: Ken: 6 rds + 20jl's + 2rp's, Rich: 7rds

Have I ever mention on here that I'm not wild about running? I believe the phrase Rich used post-WOD was that I sounded like a slow motion steam train. Awesome buddy.

And in case you need a good laugh, here's a quick video of my 5th round (we're talking like minute 18ish). Fast forward to the last few seconds, where I attempt to move my legs and go run, and instead look like a teletubbie trying to walk uphill.


Sunday, 17 June 2012

Sunday Funday

This week of "training the shit I really really suck at," has, well, sucked. However, I'm still picking up the rope at the start of every session, and will continue to do so until my double unders are as pretty as my snatch (*insert inappropriate sexual reference here*). I'm so grateful tomorrow's a rest day.
  • max double unders in 3 minutes (109)
WOD 1:
8 burpees
6 dumbbell snatches (@15kg)
4 T2Bs

Score: 8 rds + 8 burpees + 6 snatches

WOD 2:
8 repeats of sprint 100m, rest 30 seconds 
Score: the timer on my itouch sucks. Each repeat was between 24 and 28 seconds. 

WOD 3: EAMRCAP (eat as much roast chicken as possible)
Score: hells yeah

Saturday, 16 June 2012

  • 100 double unders
WOD 1: 
3 rounds for time:
5 squat cleans (@50kg)
1 sled pull 30m (@80kg+sled)

Score: 6:16 (on 6/16... I'm awesome)

My legs hurt like whoa after this... but totally worth it. I love heavy shit!

  • bar and ring dip practice (are you up there muscle up gods? it's me, Kenni)

WOD 2:
Run ~1 mile for time (CrossFit Hove loop): 7:59
This ass was made for squatting. Not running. Working on it though.

Friday, 15 June 2012

WOD 1 (adapted from CFTS):

5 rounds for time:
12 pistols
9 HSPU's

Score: 13:06

While this took significantly longer than I would have liked, Julie said each of my reps were legit. Both pistols and HSPUs are challenging movements for me, so it was good to get them in a WOD to stress my newly developing skills under a bit more pressure. Wearing Oly shoes certainly helps with the pistols. AND I didn't break a single bone doing my HSPU's (reference my trip to A&E in October 2011 for reasons why one should not do HSPUs in their hallway).
  • light shoulder presses (high reps at 20kg and 30kg)
WOD 2 (from CFH):

5 pull ups
10 wall balls
15 burpees
20 kb swings (20kg)

Score: 6 rounds + 5 pull ups & 8 wall balls

The goal was 6 rounds, so I'm pleased enough. Have I mentioned I HATE burpees? This is gunna be a long month...

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Rest Day*
*I run a workout group for a bunch of students here in Brighton called FeelFit. Because the weather was so crap (why do I act surprised? I live in England ffs), we did a running workout together that was loosely structured like this:
Run 3 minutes, sprint 30 seconds, walk 30-60 seconds (depending on ability), 5 times (20-22.5 minutes in total)
Coach Kenz was very, very occupied with the stopwatch during the "sprint" section.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

"The Bad Place"- Wednesday

  • Strict pull up practice

WOD (adapted from mainsite):
Run 1600
150 double unders
25 box jumps (20")
Run 800
100 double unders
25 box jumps
Run 400
50 double unders
25 box jumps

Score: 30:41

Now this WOD took me to the bad place. Not just the "oh I hate this. why do I crossfit? Ugh I wanna puke" bad place. Nope. I went there, got punched in the face by a puppy on my way in, and kicked in the gut by midget at the exit. It was one of the worst WODs I've ever experienced. For a lot of CrossFitters, this wouldn't be the case. For me however, this WOD partnered two enemies of mine--running and double unders. During the second round of double unders, I actually threw the jump rope. I've never done that before. Looking back, that's embarrassing. I programed this wod FOR MYSELF. I knew when I put 300 double unders in it I would hate my life. No temper tantrum I pull will change the fact that I really really really need to get a better tank for double unders. Or mature beyond the level of a toddler.

The vow has been made. I will *try* to never throw the rope again no matter how many bad places I visit or midgets punch me.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

  • Double under practice
  • Strict HSPU practice
WOD 1 (from CFH): 
25 swings (24kg)
20 burpees
50 sit ups
20 burpees
25 swings 
Score: 6:28

  • Double under practice

WOD 2 (from CFTS): 
Row for Cals, 1 min on 2 min rest
1: 19
2: 20
3: 20 
4: 21
5: 19
6: 20
7: 19
8: 20
9: 19 
10: 20
Messing around with York plates. Clearly stressing the importance of mobility.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Putting the Barbell Down- Monday

This month’s theme has been “Train Your Weaknesses.” However, I’ve lately been referring to it as “Shit I Suck At (and therefore hate).”
This particular training schedule is not something I'm recommending to others as it's tailored to my individual weaknesses/needs as an athlete and competitor. Instead, this is a way for me to take myself to the ugly, dark place we CrossFitters sometimes find ourselves in during a brutal, mental workout where we are cursing ourselves, wondering why we ever picked up this as a method of fitness. In the past I've visited that place, but usually there is a heavy barbell in the metcon or something, so it’s ok. Things are ALWAYS ok for me when there's heavy shit around. However, this month I am trying to put a little space between the barbell and myself. We are certainly not breaking up, but instead just reestablishing the boundaries. This means more attention to the big holes in my skill set-- double unders, HSPUs, pull ups, burpees (ew), muscle ups, etc.-- and a little less obsession with picking heavy shit up.
3 min Cindy*
Rest 1 min
3 min Cindy
Rest 1 min
3 min Cindy
Rest 1 min
3 min max double unders
3 rds + 5 pull ups + 8 push ups
3 rds + 4 pull ups
2 rds + 5 pull ups + 10 push ups + 13 squats (+ minor asthma attack, thank you Brighton winds)
103 double unders

(*Cindy= 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)

Snatch practice- focus on clean form (I know, I know, I know, bad job at staying away from the barbell, but I was really bummed with my last round and the double unders, so I turn to snatching to make me happy).
Up to multiple reps at 55kg

Saturday, 9 June 2012

CrossFit for Hope

Today my box, CrossFit Hove, participated in the world-wide CrossFit fundraiser, CrossFit for Hope, which raised money for St. Jude's (supporting children with cancer).

The Hope workout is structured the same as Fight Gone Bad. Quite a gem in the CF world that one is. Besides some often necessary breaks for chucking (*cough Max*), FGB consists of 5 movements, each performed for 1 minute followed by a minute of rest (the 6th minute), then repeated for a total of 3 rounds. The score is the total number of movements for each round combined.

Hope consists of the below five thrilling movements.

1. Burpees
2. Snatches
3. Box jumps
4. Thrusters
5. C2B pullups

I helped Julie and Kat with the organization of this event at our box, so when I realized I put myself in the first heat with about 2 minutes to spare before the start, my warm-up became the first set of burpees for the first minute. I was rather occupied with the event itself, so did not put the focus I should have into the workout, but was pleased enough with my score of 242.

Friday, 8 June 2012

Eurosport interview from the Reebok CrossFit Fitness Championships. I sound like a total yank.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


I'm totally judging you on the message behind this Planet Fitness. 
And not in a good way.