- max double unders in 3 minutes: 117
- handstand practice
FGB style:
Wall Balls (7kg, 9' target)
Rd 1: 25, 9, ~150, 16
Rd 2: 25, 10, ~170, 17
Rd 3: 26, 11, ~140, 19
A note about burpees: Since Open WOD 12.1, I've had a lot of emotion attached to the burpee. I avoid them at all costs, and complain nonstop when I'm forced to do them. However, this month I've clearly been doing a LOT of them, so I've just hardened up and gotten over it. Last week Julie and I played around with a bit of "burpee technique." What we realized I've been doing is relying on my hypermobility to "cheat" the burpee. As soon as I'm tired, I jump my feet forward on the up, and don't bend my knees, putting me in a physically comfortable position for me personally (I'm sickeningly flexible), but an inefficient position to actually stand up and jump to finish the burpee (see pic below, which is my former technique, and was actually taken during 12.1). This last week, I've been trying to keep my ass down on the burpees, and it seems to help me go significantly faster due to the more efficient position it puts me to jump up. Even with the most basic movements, I recommend taking the time to evaluate how you achieve the movement, both in practice and under stress, as this simple review seems to be making things quite a bit easier for me.
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