Monday, 11 June 2012

Putting the Barbell Down- Monday

This month’s theme has been “Train Your Weaknesses.” However, I’ve lately been referring to it as “Shit I Suck At (and therefore hate).”
This particular training schedule is not something I'm recommending to others as it's tailored to my individual weaknesses/needs as an athlete and competitor. Instead, this is a way for me to take myself to the ugly, dark place we CrossFitters sometimes find ourselves in during a brutal, mental workout where we are cursing ourselves, wondering why we ever picked up this as a method of fitness. In the past I've visited that place, but usually there is a heavy barbell in the metcon or something, so it’s ok. Things are ALWAYS ok for me when there's heavy shit around. However, this month I am trying to put a little space between the barbell and myself. We are certainly not breaking up, but instead just reestablishing the boundaries. This means more attention to the big holes in my skill set-- double unders, HSPUs, pull ups, burpees (ew), muscle ups, etc.-- and a little less obsession with picking heavy shit up.
3 min Cindy*
Rest 1 min
3 min Cindy
Rest 1 min
3 min Cindy
Rest 1 min
3 min max double unders
3 rds + 5 pull ups + 8 push ups
3 rds + 4 pull ups
2 rds + 5 pull ups + 10 push ups + 13 squats (+ minor asthma attack, thank you Brighton winds)
103 double unders

(*Cindy= 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)

Snatch practice- focus on clean form (I know, I know, I know, bad job at staying away from the barbell, but I was really bummed with my last round and the double unders, so I turn to snatching to make me happy).
Up to multiple reps at 55kg

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